Monday, 10 February 2014

Mecha Modellers on YouTube

I have been getting back into watching vids on you tube of late from some of my favourite subscriptions, and branching out a little watching some newer you tubers giving it a go, and I must say, I am pretty disappointed with what I have seen, so I thought I would put out a few pointers to help anyone who is serious about doing the whole you tube thing in the mecha modelling community (memoco.. look I made word):

  1. In it for the money? You'll need a good 100k+ subscribers then. Seriously, if this is your motivation then just stop right now. Find the person who told you it's a money maker, and call them a rude name. I suggest "dipshit", "knob" or "bumface". Be in it for the shares, the experience and the all-round super-happy fun times. 
  2. Stop copying the same, damn "gunpla review" format. There are 3-4 really excellent, regular reviewers out there who have a huge amount of subscribers - why? because they have been doing it for a long time and are good at it. If you think you can do better, think again! I guarantee that playing the catch-up game with the latest releases is going to be an expensive waste of your time. 
  3. Avoid giveaway contests. Yep, I am guilty of this too but have learned from all my peers the simple, clear truth. It's another tremendous and expensive waste of time for little return. You will see an upsurge in subscriptions and views that will steadily decline and level out as all the subscribers you gain, fall off when they realise they don't like what you are putting out. There are a lot of people interested in getting something for free, but far less actually interested in what you are doing. Also, if you are hell bent on doing it,  a huge no-no is introducing convoluted rules that involve anything more than a single mouse-click, and then getting ranty about people not following the rules will only grant you one thing. Everyone will think you're a douche. A better contest is to engage what your real audience is into - like a modelling contest! . I find these to be greatly motivating, and the more interesting and unique the challenge, the more I feel like sharing them with others to encourage more to join. Simple. 
  4. Edit your vids! A fine example of fantastic editing is from my good friend Gunpla Fixation. His vids are short (setting aside the 2+ hour hangouts we do... ),entertaining, insightful and interesting to those into mecha. Steezy is another - editing out "fluff" and getting across the key points he wants to make in his videos.  Peoples attention spans and day-to-day lives can not on average handle vids of more than 5-7 mins long, so if you are going to make it longer, make it interesting and edit out all of the extended silences, the "ums", the "errs" and the sentences already said another way 2 mins ago. Always watch back your own vids before uploading. Remember, what your putting out will be taking up peoples time, so make it worth watching! If you start to get distracted by something, chances are your viewers are too. I do concede there are some people who can pull off no editing, simply because they have natural charisma (gunplameister springs to mind). These are a lucky few, so if you think you can do it, get some honest feedback first. 
  5. Be yourself on camera! This is quite possibly the hardest hurdle to jump. Being yourself in front of a camera is certainly a lot easier for some than others, and if you are a little shy like me, then try this out: Set your camera rolling, but before you start talking do something completely insane. I usually make a weird babbly sound and pull a stupid face on camera. This normally helps me loosen up, although in reality I still sound wooden. Keep talking, if you screw something up, stop, wait a second, then start again. You'll find after some time your personality will come through as you feel more natural talking to the camera. Don't have any concern whatsoever about peoples perceptions of you. If they don't like you - you have to accept they wont subscribe. Over time, your audience will pan out to those who do like you, even if you do come across as a nerdy nerd nerd. 
  6. Flashy graphics with 3 minute intros! Are more annoying than impressive. Luckily, 99% of the you-tubing gunpla community know this. Create your own channel introduction video with flashy graphics and such - limit it to that and don't force people to sit through the same bit of music and spinning futuristic text over, and over, and over again. 
  7. Talk to people! Mingle! Mix! Watch other people in the community and interact - comment, subscribe and get to know people. Get your subscriptions right, empty out those you no longer watch so you won't miss what you enjoy watching the most This is the most effective way to get yourself known, and you'll have a blast meeting new people, exchanging ideas and making genuine mecha-buds! (wow that was bad..) 
  8. Comments on your vids: Answer questions, respond with "thank you's" to compliments. No matter how dumb they seem! Remember, there is a vast array of age's and non-native English speaking folks on youtube - so what seems like a really rudely asked question is probably more likely just worded wrong. Don't start calling names, making fun of them, being a spelling or grammar nazi or just being a general dick about it. Trolls are to be ignored and are largely unseen in you tube nowadays thanks to the wondrous amalgamation with google+ </scarcasm>. 
  9. Sponsorship! Yay! Free kits! Totally, its awesome, but do you really want to be that enthused about a kit you don't like that much? It's your call in this instance, but be prepared for any possible shit flying your way from the community. Any sponsorship agreement should be amicable, fit in with your channel and your format to be effective for you and them. Promote only those companies you know and trust - if you promote a company that has terrible customer service or bad quality products - your reputation is in the firing line. One-off promos are a good testing ground for this. Don't be shy about negotiating if something your end is not going to fit in with what you are doing.  
  10. Copyrights: Although this is a bit of a minefield at time of writing it is (in theory) a very simple rule: Don't use music you don't have permission to use. Don't splice in any anime, don't mention the word n*ntendo or s*ga. 
  11. Share what you learned! Learnt something new? Well come on then show us.. this will undoubtedly result in some comments like "your doing it all wrong" and "you are not supposed to insert it in that hole", so respond with a "thanks for that" and a "phew, luckily I did not get decapitated that time then!". Just remember to never tout your info as fact - what works great for you will be a disaster for someone else so always make it clear, "this is how I do it" and it's always helpful to cite a source where you learned something from of that is the case. 

Ok, I think I covered most things.. I am sure I will wake up at 4am thinking "oh shit I missed that", but in a nutshell, don't be concerned with numbers. Be yourself, show off your craft, share with others what you learn and avoid  the petty bollocks you may come across with fanboys. 

You'll discover over time the nuances of this quirky, mostly friendly community, apart form the odd self-proclaimed pro who has become too overly sarcastic to warrant being classed as a decent human being (but don't judge the whole community by them), and once you get into a nice flow you'll find yourself a great audience you can give out a great big wam non-gay (or gay) manly (or womanly? naah.. ) hug to. Organic growth works hand in hand with meaningful, interesting and entertaining content. Think of your viewers, not the view counter.

One last thing.. I always value feedback so if you think I am wrong about anything or everything here then do tell me. I am still learning this myself and these are to me, the basic rules I follow. Let me know what you think by all means and I promise not to find out where you live and secretly watch you in the bathroom while I take notes on the size of your nipples. 

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